I have seen dozens of practice owners build their practices to the million-dollar level and well beyond while living a low-stress lifestyle which most would envy.
Several generously shared with me how they set and achieved their practice growth goals.
All of them stressed that attaining goals requires a clear strategy and consistent action. Here are the steps these top-producing practice owners recommend:
1. Set exciting and realistic goals: As the practice founder, it’s your responsibility to establish big, exciting goals that will motivate you and your team to overcome obstacles. Ensure these goals are ambitious, yet achievable.
2. Work on goals daily: Goals are not suddenly achieved at the end of a year. They are achieved minute by minute in your daily actions.
3. Celebrate wins and learn from setbacks: Too many people use setbacks as an excuse to shy away from their original goals. It’s better to acknowledge and celebrate achievements along the way and convert every setback into a learning experience. No single win makes you, and no single lost breaks you.
4. Ensure goals are personal and meaningful: Make sure the goals you set are truly your own and not influenced by external expectations. Goals should be fulfilling and aligned with your values. Envy is not a good basis for your goal.
5. Share your goals with others: Publicly sharing your goals is courageous as it will create a sense of accountability. This can help you stay committed and focused on achieving your objectives when the going gets hard.
6. Communicate more, and advertise more. Almost every practice growth goal involves reaching and helping more people. That means building an ever-expanding marketing program.
Of course, there are many more things to know in order to create a consistent flow of qualified new patients for your practice.
To save time, many practitioners choose to partner with my agency, The Customer Factory.
To find out if our marketing program is a good fit for your practice visit our website and book a 15-minute Discovery call.
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