Discover The Power Of Reactivations & Skyrocket Your Practice

Reactivations are a popular concept, but many people struggle with how to approach them effectively.

Reactivations refer to reconnecting with individuals who have previously been under your care, regardless of how long ago that may have been. It is crucial to compile a comprehensive list of these past clients. Reducing list size reduces your results.

By maintaining a large list of past clients, you open up more opportunities for reactivation. Even if someone initially sought a service before, they could still be interested in your current offerings. When deciding on a method to reach out to these individuals, consider email, text, letters, or bulk mail.

Personal communication is often the most impactful, but bulk communication can also be successful if well thought out. It is crucial to provide a reason for past clients to reconnect with your business, such as offering a promotion or special deal. Text messaging, bulk mail, and email campaigns can all be successful if executed correctly.

One low-cost option for reactivations is a letter-writing campaign. This can involve having staff members write personalized letters to past clients. These letters do not need to be long but should be genuine and engaging.

Whichever method you choose, consistency is key. Keep reactivations as an ongoing part of your practice, and make sure to track your progress. Additionally, document your reactivation procedures to make them easily accessible and teachable to your staff.

In conclusion, reactivations are a powerful way to generate new business opportunities. By maintaining a large list of past clients and implementing a consistent reactivation strategy, you can create lasting success for your business.

Of course, there are many more things to know in order to create a consistent flow of qualified new patients for your practice.

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By John Nesbit, CEO The Customer Factory

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