15 Minutes To Freedom: How Written Procedures Can Revolutionize Your Practice

Practice growth gurus preach that you need written procedures in order to grow. Here’s how you can do it almost effortlessly in 15 minutes a day.

It is common business wisdom that the key to gaining freedom in your practice is transitioning from working IN your business to working ON it. This is done by establishing written procedures for every important function in the entire business.

Written procedures eliminate the need for lengthy verbal explanations and repeated training sessions. It makes putting a new staff person on the job a breeze. Just hand them the procedures and let them study them while you go do other things.

Even knowing this, most practice owners never create procedures because of the sheer amount of effort involved.

However, there is a 15-minute-per-day method that you can learn.

A. Locate on your phone any app that makes audio recordings. Get familiar with using it.

B. Open a Google Docs folder online. You don’t have to use Google Docs, but it does need to be something browser-based.

C. If you use Google Chrome install the “Voice In” extension – this is an excellent (and free) voice dictation app that lets you quickly voice dictate on your laptop.

Whenever you find yourself explaining something to a staff person simply open up the audio recording app and record the instructions (procedures)that you are giving.

Later at your desk, open the online “company policies” folder and create a new document about the topic. Click the Voice-In microphone on the top right of your browser bar. Playback the audio and it will appear as text in the document. Clean it up as needed, date it and you now have a written procedure!

Now repeat!

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By John Nesbit, CEO The Customer Factory

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