Chapter 2: Market The System, Not The Treatment

How Fixing This Common Marketing Mistake Can Improve Your Results

One of the big rookie mistakes I made early on in Facebook marketing was trying to tell patients how awesome the doctor was, how cool the new laser was, or trying to convince them how we were different than everyone else.

Every time we talked about the new decompression machine, or the new Class IV laser the office used, people ignored my ads like they were written in a foreign language.

It took me time to figure out why this was but when I finally cracked it, it was not only enlightening but it opened the door to a whole new way of running ads. Ads that consistently drove in new patients mind you.

What Was The Solution?

The key was using what was real to the patients in our ads. I found this out by talking to the patients in the office and discovered they were not impressed by the machine not one bit. They just wanted to know if we could help them with the pain. What was real to them was the pain.

So instead of writing ads about the modalities we offered, we wrote ads that used the words that they used. “Bone-on-Bone Knee Pain”, “Stiffness in the Knees”, “Unable to Play with My Grandkids”, and wouldn’t you know it people started responding to the ads in droves. We call it, “Painting the Pain.”

It’s all about how you communicate and how you can reach the person on the other end of the ad. If you’re going to connect with new patients, you have to speak their language. They only care about one thing, and if you speak to that one thing, you’ll have their attention.

I cover this in my e-book Chiropractors: 16 Rules for Facebook Marketing Success along with 15 other key points that have proven successful in attracting a consistent flow of qualified new patients. In it you can find the answers on how to adjust your ads to enable the best results for you and your practice.

It’s free and its my way of helping docs use Facebook to market their practices and help people find the care they need.

By John Nesbit, CEO The Customer Factory

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