Build A Bulletproof Future For Your Practice With Abundance

The only thing that never changes is the fact that things change. If your practice relies on just one or two sources for new patients you could wake up tomorrow and find yourself in big trouble.

Here is how you make sure you never run out of new patients no matter what’s happening.

The first thing to adopt is a strategy of Abundance.

Too often people aim at what they think they need. However, that leaves zero room for error and assumes everything goes as planned.

The strategy of abundance says if you need 20 new patients per month to thrive you should aim at building systems that generate 40 or even 60.

This means you have to diversify the sources where you get your new patients. Of course, this does not happen overnight so here are some steps you can take now to build towards that bulletproof future.

Work on your referral program. When it comes to referrals the most important thing is remembering to ask for referrals.

There are a lot of ways to go about it but that’s the bottom line ask more, get more. Determine how to ask for referrals, what your referral offer is, your referral contact strategy, and what to say to patients when asking for referrals.

Implement an ongoing patient reactivation campaign. Have a process in place to contact former patients and offer them a chance to come back and see you.

Continue building relationships with them by sending emails, texts, or letters. Too often a practice owner will do this one time and then stop.

Invest in paid marketing. Begin with Facebook advertising as it’s a quick and easy way to get new patients. Focus on targeting patients with specific complaints or issues, rather than promoting specific treatments or equipment.

Of course, there are many more things to know in order to create a consistent flow of qualified new patients for your practice.

To save time, many practitioners choose to partner with my agency, The Customer Factory.

To find out if our marketing program is a good fit for your practice visit our website and book a 15-minute Discovery call. You could have new patients coming in as soon as this time next week.

Find out more at:

By John Nesbit, CEO The Customer Factory

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